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Employer of Record

Are you looking to hire employees quickly in the Netherlands without the hassle? Briddge Employer of Record (Briddge EoR) can act as your legal employer, managing payroll, immigration, taxes, and compliance, so you can focus on growing your business and workforce locally.  

Set up and onboarding process :

The onboarding process typically takes 2-3 weeks, but depending on your needs and employee documentation, the timing can vary. To streamline the process, many steps are conducted in parallel, ensuring your employee is ready to work without unnecessary delays.  

  • Step 1: We conduct a financial health and recruitment check to ensure the company's compliance, followed by determining the employee’s compensation package. The timeline depends on how quickly you can provide the required documents.
  • Step 2: We prepare both the payrolling service agreement with your company and a compliant employment agreement for the employee.
  • Step 3: For non-EU hires, we manage the entire residence and work permit application process. The timeline varies depending on the employee's nationality and current situation.
  • Step 4: We conduct a mandatory employee ID check, usually completed within an hour.
  • Step 5: If the employee is eligible, we prepare the 30% ruling application, typically finalized within one week. 


Briddge EoR streamlines the hiring process to ensure compliance and efficiency at every stage, so you can focus on growing your business. 

Briddge EoR is your trusted partner for your European expansion 

Fast market entry & administrative efficiency 

Hire EU and non-EU employees in the Netherlands efficiently, whether for long-term or short-term solutions.  

SNA Quality Mark Certification

Our certification and regular audits ensure reliable, fully compliant payroll and employment practices.  

Recognized IND sponsor

As a recognized sponsor with the IND, we are authorized to hire non-EU nationals on your behalf.  

Personalized and comprehensive support  

 Briddge offers customized employment solutions along with expert guidance on compliance, contracts, and benefits. 

Frequently asked questions

Download the complete FAQ list as a PDF

Are there other companies that provide similar services?

Yes, many companies offer payrolling services in the Netherlands. However, not all meet the same high standards as Briddge EoR. What sets us apart is that we are both a recognized sponsor with the IND and hold the SNA Quality Mark. While other companies may provide similar payrolling services, few can maintain these key certifications. 

Are there any concerns or disadvantages of choosing an EoR option?
What specific financial statements does Briddge EoR require to confirm the client's financial soundness?
We are a new company and do not have much business activity in the Netherlands. How does the financial check work in this case?
What does the pricing structure typically include?
Are there any hidden fees or additional costs beyond the quoted price?