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Employment Law

Legal systems vary from country to country, but nowhere is more complex than Europe, particularly the Netherlands, so we will always safeguard your rights to avoid legal risks. Our Employment law team offers a variety of specialized services with a personal approach to suit your needs.

Our services include:

Review or draft relevant agreements and documents related to Dutch Employment law, such as:

  • Employment agreements (fixed term/permanent/0-hour/min-max);
  • Employment agreements for managing directors/major shareholders;
  • Intercompany Transfer letters (ICT);
  • Internship agreements;
  • Contractor agreements;
  • Employee handbook and company policies;
  • Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs);
  • Settlement agreements;

Provide advice around:

  • Hiring employees/appointing managing directors;
  • Employment conditions, including bonuses and commission plans;
  • Collective labor agreements, including CLA checks;
  • Contractual and post-contractual obligations, such as non-competition and non-solicitation;
  • Changes to employment conditions;
  • Incapacity for work;
  • Dismissing employees/managing directors due to economic reasons, underperformance, disruptive relationships, etc;
  • Reorganization/company transfer;
  • Employee representation, including setting up a Works Council;
  • Assist with settlement negotiations, draft procedural documentation, and represent your company at court/UWV proceedings.

Frequently asked questions

We provide personalized knowledge and expertise specifically designed for your business goals

What is vacation allowance and how about vacation days?

Every employee is legally entitled to 8% vacation allowance over his gross annual salary. A higher percentage can be agreed upon in the individual employment agreement. Employer and employee can agree that the gross annual salary includes vacation allowance as long as the annual gross salary (excluding the 8% vacation allowance) amounts to more than the applicable minimum wage. This must, however, be put in writing. 

It is important to bear in mind the abovementioned during the negotiations with employees, as it is generally assumed that salary amounts discussed refer to gross salary excluding the vacation allowance. Therefore, it is advisable to always be specific about what any salary proposal does and does not include.

The vacation allowance differs from the entitlement towards vacation days. Employees are entitled to a minimum of four times their regular working hours per week of vacation per year. For example, for a forty hour work week (of 8 hours per day): 4 x 40 = 160 vacation hours (or twenty vacation  days) per year. The employer is free to offer more vacation days, but cannot provide less than the statutory amount.

A collective labor agreement, if applicable, may entitle employees to additional vacation days.

What are my options when deciding about the duration of the contract?
Does a fixed term contract end automatically?
How to avoid legal proceedings in case of termination?
Our team

The people that make it possible

Ferline van Laerhoven

Head of Employment law

José Luvitu

Associate Employment law

Eline Maas

Associate Employment law

Dominique Pluijgers

Junior Associate Employment Law

What our clients say about us

“빠르고 유연한 일처리에 만족하고 있습니다.”

“We are satisfied with the fast and flexible work process.” 

Macrogen Europe Logo

“Briddge is a perfect solution for assisting foreign companies to navigate the legal and organizational issues of conducting business in the Netherlands and across Europe. Each member of their team has added value to help us grow and they have wide-ranging expertise and connections that make the impossible look easy.” 

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Building Bridges to European markets

We look forward to our partnership!

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The Netherlands

Coen Buildling

Kabelweg 37

7th Floor

1014 BA Amsterdam

+31 (0) 85 0187 471

VAT NL8500.20.141.B.01

CoC 51446030

PO BOX 20119

1001 NS Amsterdam

The Netherlands

WTC Business Center

Pr. Margrietplantsoen 33

2595 AM The Hague

Groot Handelsgebouw

CIC Rotterdam

Stationsplein 45

4th floor

3013 AK Rotterdam

United States

811 W 7th street

12th floor

Los Angeles CA, 90071