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Human Resources (HR) 

Good human resource management is essential for any company, after all, your team is your main asset. In order to thrive as an international company, you need to make sure that you are attracting, hiring, developing, and retaining the best possible talent. Our experienced HR team provides a variety of services tailored to your HR or recruitment needs. We are always ready to provide swift, cost-effective advice and assistance. Whether you need administrative and/or recruitment support, guidance solving an employee-relations issue, or more strategic advice on employee benefits and privacy legislation, we have professionals that are equipped to assist.

Our services include:

  • Health-and-safety compliance;
  • Sick leave management;
  • Drafting or reviewing employee handbooks, policies, and procedures;
  • Administrative support (applying for maternity benefits, pension/insurance portal maintenance);
  • GDPR compliance for employers;
  • Employee-relations issues (performance management and/or conflict management);
  • Recruitment;
  • In-house HR services.

Frequently asked questions

We provide personalized knowledge and expertise specifically designed for your business goals

I have just employed my first employee in the Netherlands. Are there any health & safety obligations I need to comply with?

In the Netherlands, every company with employees is obliged to comply with the Working Conditions Act. This Act contains general rules and guidelines for companies regarding working conditions and health and safety policies in order to promote the health, safety and wellbeing of employees. The primary aim of this legislation is to prevent accidents and illness caused by work.

Non-compliance with (parts of) this law, apart for leading to more (or unnecessarily long) sick leave or more accidents, can also lead to the employer incurring fines and/or being held liable for an incident that may, otherwise, have been prevented. Please see the lost below of the main requirements of this law:

  • Conclude a so-called ‘basic contract’ with an Occupational Health & Safety Service (Arbodienst).
  • Appoint a Prevention Officer to advise and inform management and employees on health & safety related issues.
  • Conduct, validate and keep an up-to-date risk inventory & evaluation (RI&E).
  • Appoint and train a sufficient number of emergency response officers and first aiders.
  • Offer a Preventative Medical Examination (PME) to employees every 3-5 years.

We can help guide you through these steps and introduce you to certified partners to make sure that you are compliant!

Help! My employee is sick. What do I do now?
I have a sick employee and understand that he has to be seen by the company doctor. What is the role of a company doctor and how is this different to a GP or family doctor?
What do I need to do to become GDPR compliant as employer?
Our team

The people that make it possible

Esmé Storm

Head of HR

Mireille van Langen

Senior HR associate

Glenda Kuhn

HR associate

Petra Kendall

HR Associate

What our customers say about us

“빠르고 유연한 일처리에 만족하고 있습니다.”

“We are satisfied with the fast and flexible work process.” 

Macrogen Europe Logo

“Briddge is a perfect solution for assisting foreign companies to navigate the legal and organizational issues of conducting business in the Netherlands and across Europe. Each member of their team has added value to help us grow and they have wide-ranging expertise and connections that make the impossible look easy.” 

Natural choice logo
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Building Bridges to European markets

We look forward to our partnership!

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Bart Brinkman will answer your e-mail as soon as possible

The Netherlands

Coen Buildling

Kabelweg 37

7th Floor

1014 BA Amsterdam

+31 (0) 85 0187 471

VAT NL8500.20.141.B.01

CoC 51446030

PO BOX 20119

1001 NS Amsterdam

The Netherlands

WTC Business Center

Pr. Margrietplantsoen 33

2595 AM The Hague

Groot Handelsgebouw

CIC Rotterdam

Stationsplein 45

4th floor

3013 AK Rotterdam

United States

811 W 7th street

12th floor

Los Angeles CA, 90071